03 January 2008

Theocracy of Hate

One of my favorite bloggers is Rebecca of Random Musings. While our worldviews, religious convictions, and families look a great deal different, I find much there I agree with (like, you know, coffee) and everything is worth reading.

The last week or so is no exception. Rebecca has posted a thought provoking and thoroughly disturbing series on kinism. If you are not familiar with this incredibly dark and ugly sect within the evangelical community, I urge you to head on over and take a look.

Much of what is wrong with the world today is not how different we are. It is how, because of our differences, we have forgotten that the 'other' is a PERSON, fully and wholly a human being. How else can we explain the blatant disregard for life, for liberty, heck, just for basic COURTESY when dealing with one another.

Why have we forgotten: And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE...


TulipGirl said...

For years, what Rebecca has written has educated and inspired me. Thanks for sharing the link--I hadn't stopped by her blog in the past couple of weeks and missed her series.

Amy said...

Rebecca is so inspirational to me, especially her writings on nursing and raising children.

I also feel a bit of solidarity with her daughter, having been raised in a family full of BOY...

TulipGirl said...

*L* We have all boys. . . I can't even imagine how a daughter would feel with four big brothers.